if you're reading this it's too late


If "Jungle" by Drake had a single cover I'm convinced this would be it.  Needless to say I've been playing "if you're reading this its too late" since its release. Right now my top five songs are Jungle, Energy, 6man, and Know Yourself.  My dream job is somewhere is in the music industry and love thinking about concepts for different covers. For Jungle I wanted to create something dark, with a hint of mystery or something semi eerie. When I heard the album/mixtape/whatever it gave me a feeling of melancholy, its really gloomy but not sad (he's actually in stunt mode). After watching the short film "Jungle" the visuals matched my initial thoughts on the feel of the mixtape. Most of the scenes with exception of a few are dark with little light and are very mysterious and moody so thats exactly what I decided to go with (including the same type used on the cover, aka the Chick Fil A suicide note) it works.  I plan to come up with some more soon but in the meantime, what are you guys working on?



Design, MusicLaci JordanComment